Environmentally Friendly qPCR Mixture
rEVAlution qPCR Master Mix is an environmentally safe, ready-to-use, hot-start qPCR mixture specifically formulated with high-quality components to offer superior safety, speed, and signaling. EvaGreen® dye was selected for this formulation because it’s cell–impermeable, making it a non-mutagenic, non-cytotoxic PCR dye that’s safe for aquatic life and safe for handling and can be directly disposed of down the drain. Similar master mixes typically utilize SYBR® green dyes that are mutagenic. EvaGreen also helps rEVAlution produce signals that are stronger than the SYBR green dyes. In addition, Syzygy FlashTaq HotStart, a chemically-modified hot-start Taq DNA polymerase recognized for its rapid two-minute activation time and high level of compatibility, was also selected for use in rEVAlution.